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Old 10th April 2014, 10:53 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by kronckew
i seem to recall reading that the chinese produced good blades for the Filipino trade which were then hilted in the Philippines.
Hi Kronckew,

I believe what you have mentioned is quite true....I just don't think that this is one of those blades. When I see that mark on the smaller barong blades of the 19th century I am much more prone to believe that they may, indeed, be Chinese made and trade blades. Typically those are of very fine quality with very active pattern welding and often flashing grains. Battara has a very good example of such a piece.

To my eye, for what it is worth, there is simply nothing about this blade that does not seem 100% Moro made.

Additionally, note the rather crude way the mark is made, somewhat roughly chiseled into the blade.

Perhaps we should post examples of other marks on blades that are attributed to Chinese manufacture?? That's an idea that will allow us some comparisons.

Again, I am curious if this "character" has any meaning at all.

Last edited by CharlesS; 10th April 2014 at 11:20 PM.
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