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Old 9th April 2014, 03:09 PM   #12
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This a Genovese knife "con passacorda", referring to the thin blade tip. It was supposedly indeed used for rigging and knots.

The slit in the blade, or sometimes in the tang when the handle unscrews from the blade, is known as the "cruna" and basically makes a larger threading needle.

That's a wonderful book by the way with excellent information, but in Italian. I will look up the specific info when I get home tonight.

Here is a page from "Dizionari Terminologici - Armi Bianche dal Mediebo all'Eta Moderna" (Florence, 1980) for additional reference. See F and G, terms, 10 and 26.

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Last edited by Emanuel; 9th April 2014 at 03:39 PM.
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