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Old 2nd April 2014, 11:10 PM   #5
Keris forum moderator
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Originally Posted by cicak_cobing
these are also commonly known as sundang..
fantastic collection you've got there..
The question becomes "commonly known" where. In Malaysia i would say you are probably correct, but these are not Malaysian examples of this sword form. These are the Moro variety from the Philippines. Depending on which tribe affiliation the blade originates from there are even varying names there and within each tribe names vary by the exact form the blade takes (straight, wavy, half & half) as well. Federico's Moro Sword site has a breakdown by tribe and blade type which could probably be debated by some, but still illustrates the problem in referring to all these swords as "sundang".
To add to the confusion "sundang" is also a common term for a type of bolo knife in certain parts of the Philippines. So i would say that it is probably best in general to only refer to the kris swords of Indonesian origin as "sundang" and probably safest, at least in the collecting community to say the these swords are indeed, most generally, commonly know as "kris".
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