Originally Posted by Jean
Welcome Bugis Keris,
I lived in Bontang for 3 years in the 90's so I am particularly interested by your participation to this forum, especially if you have any experience about the krisses from Kutai and Banjarmasin. As David says, please carefully avoid any commercially-oriented post (use the swap forum for this purpose) and I advise you to check the correct English names in a good dictionary, for instance I think that by gloves you mean sheath/ sarong/ warangka and by Upstream the hilt/ hulu/ ukiran? We are all familiar with the common (Javanese) kris terms so you can use them.
Best regards 
Great to meet you Jean
Yeah of course i will share all my experience about kris in this forum.
Sorry for my english.cause to introduce keris /kris using the old javanese language cause kris is old too.
so that why something is wrong for my english.
Thank You So much.