Originally Posted by Akaalarms
I understand your scepticism and frustration for these new laws. But I started somewhere, just a young collector, and I successfully obtained a CITES certificate with the help of a established dealer in the UK.
I am sure if we look back at this thread in 12 months, and probably wonder what all the fuss was about.
I am happy to help where I can, and I know Thor has also offered his guidance.
P.S. I'm not sure I like the tag of 'regular dealer'! I prefer 'seasoned collector and experienced dealer'. 
Runjeet, forgive me, but you have a website, linked in your profile, where you regularly sell edged weapons. I didn't mean it as a bad word nor to over-shadow the fact that you are also a seasoned collector, merely stating a reality. ;-)
Most of us here are merely collectors who might occasionally wish to dispose of an item in our collections for one reason or another. Most of us here don't specifically collect ivory items and only occasionally encounter it on weapons we either want or own. Most of us here are not going to want to jump through all the hoops necessary to obtain a CITES certification for the very few times we might want to dispose of an ivory decorated sword or knife. And most of us here in the USA are concerned that we will no longer be able to obtain ANY weapon from overseas that uses elephant ivory because that is outright banned regardless of ANY proper paperwork. Frankly i get the large majority of my collections from overseas. Unless that part of the new rules change this will indeed still be a problem worth fussing about in 12 months i'm afraid.