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Old 23rd March 2014, 11:58 PM   #9
Amuk Murugul
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Kaboejoetan Galoenggoeng Mélben
Posts: 468

Hullo everybody!

BluErf, I don't want to be rude, but I have no wish to engage in discussion/debate.
You probably already know more than me.
However, I will leave you with these thoughts:

- You appear to have confirmed that the form 'began' c.1600CE.
Thus one needs to investigate whether a refugee from Java island arrived there around this time who would've had such a capability.

- Around this period, Pattani was losing out to a rival on the east coast.

- One should investigate this hilt form in as many of its guises as one can (e.g. Pekaka, Tajong, Coteng, Cenok, Singgora etc).

- As for 'kampung Jawa': there can be many reasons. I have found villages founded by previous Majapait/Singhasari garrisons; also villages whose people were descendants of members of Mataram Hanyokrokusumo's defeated army who preferred to desert rather than return home and face death.

BTW ... congrats for acquiring the Tegal piece from our Dutch friend!
Though very similar, no 'true' Sundanese would mistake it for a Sundanese keris.

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