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Old 26th February 2014, 08:20 AM   #11
Ibrahiim al Balooshi
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Originally Posted by archer
I was Looking at Michael Blalok's Saidi sheath and seeing a lot of thread work.
Mine doesn't have the holes for the center rings could extra rings be held by just wire? Could it have been made without the center rings? It seems, it is missing the metal decoration at the throat of the sheath and the bottom of the hilt. One shot shows, blade fully seated in the sheath. The hilt material may well be wood of some kind. I guess the hot pin method will tell. About, how old is this dagger? Thanks, Steve

Salaams archer~ Well this one is causing a stir ... I'm going out on a limb here and suggesting a couple of things in addition to what has gone before... This is a "zerri" applied scabbard.. corded ... strung if you like... not silvered. I puzzle over the hilt material and still consider horn of some kind. It could be bovine. Does it have some sort of laquer covering which is masking the light test?
Ibrahiim al Balooshi.
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