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Old 25th February 2014, 04:33 PM   #3
Keris forum moderator
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Hi Terry. Welcome to the forum. And you are right, those are pretty bad pictures.
Better photos and, of course, photos of the blade are really essential for any kind of accurate identification. What i can tell you is that the dress for this keris (the hilt and sheath) are from the island of Madura. The hilt looks like it is probably ivory (though bone is possible) in a form known as "Donoriko". You will find other examples of this style along with many others on this thread.
The sheath is the Madurese form of a "Ladrang" style which is what is used for formal wear.
Other than that there is not much that can be told. There seems to be a bit of wear and i could hazard a guess at late 19th to early 20th century, but that is just a guess based on bad photos and no look at the blade.
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