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Old 23rd February 2014, 08:18 PM   #5
EAAF Staff
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Congratulations! I almost went for this myself, except I ran out of money just before it ended.

I would hazard a guess from the blade profile that it is mid-southern Luzon, placing this as possibly a Tagalog piece. Probably belonging to an officer due to the stars, the silver, and the carved horn. Since it uses 3 silver stars like this, I would also assume that it is not Katipunan but 1st Republic/Philippine Revolutionary period (3 stars for the 3 main island groups in unity), meaning 1898-1901.

The original scabbard would have been made of black leather with silver mounts, probably with the Malayan sun face and 3 stars within a triangle.

Oh yes, the vine motif like this is usually reserved for upper Philippine Revolutionary ranks, perhaps the rank of general.

If you could get provenance on this that would be spectacular (if it exists).
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