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Old 21st February 2014, 02:46 PM   #148
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Originally Posted by Richard Furrer
I am very interested in early swords of all locations. However the information I wish to know has not been gathered. The "nuts and bolts" of swords is the steel...and we have scant few analysis of the steels in these blades...and I fear we never will.


I just noticed your post, and of course it is well established that your field is metallurgy , which has always been far beyond my own understanding. With your expertise in this topic, you would be the exact person to address this aspect of swords, and in threads focused on specific instances. There have been many studies made scientifically on blades (several early Islamic blades if I recall were actually sacrificed to this end), and the work of Dr. Ann Fuerbach has been phenomenal. Others such as Panseri, Figiel and numerous other works have well touched on many aspects, but as we have noted, there is far more to be done.

As noted in my post to Ahmed, these thesis' and titles are on topics which need to be addressed, and these are discussion forums which are the exact venue where this can be done.

All the best,
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