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Old 21st February 2014, 02:36 PM   #147
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Hi Ahmed,
I would like to note that for a newcomer to this forum, you have already established a considerable footprint, and your superb dissertation is compellingly presented and fascinating. As you have well noted, in many cases this very topic and subject matter has been inadequately approached and not properly pursued in certain degree and aspects.

With research in virtually any field, it always remains a work in progress, and as Vandoo has wisely noted, it is not a lack of interest which results in decrease in dynamics of thread topics, but that discussion of material at hand has run its course. The wonderful thing here, again as well noted, is that threads sometimes dormant for years, are ever revisited by persons searching the internet or new researches begun on the same topic. As seen recently, and often over time, these threads are recharged by either new evidence or revitalizing new questions or approaches.

In my own research I often use the internet to augment the resources in my own library and notes, and inevitably threads and posts here appear, much to my delight! It is great to see the work all of us here have done as a team to advance the knowledge and understanding of these topics.

In your previous post you noted you feel too new here to place new threads as you sense you would be intruding. Nothing could be farther from the truth! Actually you clearly have already thought of wonderfully placed thesis' in your suggestions, and it seems that you would be the best person to place such topics.
If I may, I would suggest however that the approaches be more specific and partitioned. One of the biggest problems in discourse on forums is that key topics which come up later in threads are often lost in the volume of the thread itself mostly due to the title heading.
For example, this thread is addressed of course to Dhu'l-faqar, not to the broader scope you mention, therefore many readers and contributors may not realize the subcategories exist within.

I would suggest that new threads addressing the topics suggested be initiated outside the perameters of this one. Again, queries which are placed too broadly instantly outscope themselves, such as 'what kind of swords did the Byzantines use?'. It is bewildering to try to fathom just what people of this huge empire; what period; what regions etc are being considered.
Naturally this analogy is simply a suggestive illustration and of course not directed toward you or anyone in particular and meant as an example.

One last thing I would note here. These forums are visited by a vast scope of individuals from advanced academics such as yourself, to collectors whether new or remarkably experienced; the curious; historians; dealers; writers; journalists etc etc. This will result in quite varied approaches and manner in postings with often vastly different perspectives.
With this kind of diversity, it is always rather amazing that we are able to accomplish the wonderful discussions we have here, and as seen, have had for years. We are fortunate to have you with us! and thank you again for your outstanding contributions here.

All very best regards,
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