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Old 20th February 2014, 07:56 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by AhmedH
PS: You're absolutely correct, Jasper! I even believe that these wide-bladed European swords may have been greatly influenced by the Yemeni swords that were used by the Muslim warriors during the Crusades. I mean compare the European swords contemporary to the First Crusade (1097-1099), and those European swords contemporary to the Seventh Crusade (1249-1250), for example.

Best regards,
Ahmed Helal Hussein
Saleems Ahmed,

yes I can agree with you, it is of course the question of who came first, the chicken or the egg?
The first European swords with broad blades with parallel cutting edges date from the early 12th century. there are only very few early european examples that I know (the existence) of, 3-4 swords.


on the other hand there are eighth century examples sculptures
from the Umayyad period both representations of islamic rulers holding swords, but the shape and width of the blade is difficult to determine.


Last edited by cornelistromp; 20th February 2014 at 08:20 AM.
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