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Old 19th February 2014, 03:32 PM   #30
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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This is absolutely fantastic! and it is excellent to have these older threads now archived being brought back to the fore with new information. The purpose of threads here has always been to collect and discuss information so our comprehensive understanding of these kinds of details advances.

It seems of course that the FRINGIA word or acronym is well placed in use by the time of the Bathory's (Stefan V Bathory 1430-1493; and Stephen Bathory 1533-1586) but it seems more likely used on the Hungarian sabres of latter 16th century. According to Nadolski (1974, p.35) these were becoming quite popular in line with the example belonging to Stephen Bathory along with the 'sickle' marks and 'GENOA' and 'FRINGIA' markings.

These sabres were colloquially termed 'Batorowki'. In the turbulent political times then their counterparts were sabres with likenesses of Sigismund III Vasa which were termed 'Zygmuntowki' .

In "Edged Weapons: Sabres of the Habsburg Monarchy 16-20th Centuries" (Petr Konipsky and Petr Moudry, Prague, 1991) on p.41 there is a sabre of Austrian hussars officer of 18th century, with the usual sun, moon, star motif and FRINGIA.
As noted by the anonymous contributor here, this new information is most enlightening concerning the context for this well established word or acrostic.
It would appear of course that the earlier used word was realigned to represent the patriotic acronym referring to Francis II Rokoczi (1676-1735) who led uprisings (1703-1711) against the Habsburgs. The use of these kinds of acronyms and acrostic symbolism seems well known in the turbulence of political intriques and conflict well known in these regions, so this is most helpful information.

In "Liberty and the Search for Identity" (Iven Zolton Denes, 2006, p.221) with reference to the Hungarian gentry c.1860, it is noted that "...the gentry intended to realize this new program with a number of refuedalizing actions and they started to use their FRINGIA coats of arms and titles of nobility again, together with all the relics of old feudal life".

As always, the weapons carry these indicators and clues of rich historic heritage, and act as our guides as we follow their lead in uncovering what we may not have otherwise realized.

Lee, thank you so very much for posting this information and bringing this thread back, and deepest thanks to our contributor .

Very best regards,
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