Originally Posted by Ibrahiim al Balooshi
Salaams Jim, Absolutely brilliant Jim; Your link with the monumental Somali hilts is superbly put. My reckoning is that these blades migrated down and around the Red Sea region fusing designs from both shores. Buttins page refers to the various hilt designs on the Zanzibari Nimcha and the Somali design is apparent on several marks. Giving the timeline a shuffle I suspect that the 1744 date of the Al Bu Said dynasty start is pivottal to the design of the long handled Omani straight (Sayf) dancing sword and that the hilt simply transferred to the curved Kattara soon after that. I would say between 1744 and 1760 the curved Omani Kattara emerged. I therefor plumb for 1750. 
Salaams all Note to Library..Sweeping through the library...Correction..!! I think the real transfer of hilt technology went the other way ie... from Slave captain/traders curved kattara to straight Omani Sayf(dancer). The dancing sword invented at the start of the current dynasty in 1744 or shortly after.
Ibrahiim al Balooshi.