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Old 13th February 2014, 08:41 PM   #4
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I would not refer to the pattern on these blades as "ladder pattern". Typically, a ladder pattern is on a wootz blade, with ladder "rungs" that stretch the length of the blade in a regular and repeating way. Dave's blade is not wootz. It is a pattern welded blade and while you do have a repeating pattern, it is not what I would consider a ladder pattern. I do believe the pattern created here is a manipulation of the layered blade. Same on a ladder pattern in wootz. It is manipulated through the forging process. It certainly takes a bit of skill to forge, fold, manipulate and hammer out a pattern welded blade where you get such a bold pattern. While not what I would consider as a ladder pattern blade, it is a lovely example of Indian pattern welding. As far as an estimation of age, I would guess Dave's tulwar to be early to mid 19th century.
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