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Old 7th February 2014, 06:01 PM   #10
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me and a canadian guy, kevin le grey, have a long running sga about his pyrate ship the 'Black Duck' where he is the captain (only 'cus it's his ship). thwe forum we used sadly is now defunct.

ol' one-eye was our chief cook and bottle washer, and also kept all the prisoners we held for ransom, occasionally lopping off body parts for the crews stew if it looked like they wasn't gonna pay up. we captured the real osma bin lightbulb and she slowly whittled him down till there was very little left. the doppleganger that obama eliminated in pakinstan in 2011 was just a clone. as an elder goddess, she would occasionally heal them and grow them new parts to prolong then agony.

osma was only a foot tall when she was finished with him. one foot, one hand, part of a lung and six feet of intestine that came and went out of his mouth. she figured whatever he said was just male bovine fecal matter anyhow. his brain was only the size of a small teacup, so she shrunk his head to fit. grew it all back together. he could just about hop around waving his hand, which only had one finger (yup, the middle one, she has a wicked sense of humor).

sadly, the pirate trade has fallen off lately, too many amateurs. the ol' black ducky has been laid up and rots at the dock, and ol' one-eye flaps her way between montreal and gloucestershire for her amusement, when she's not keeping her baby brother from eating everyone and spoiling everything.

anyhow, she cleans up well, and until you've tried a tentacly snog, you ain't lived. i also include the flag of the 'Black Duck' to prove the whole story. them pirates of hollywood stole our story, which pre-existed them davey jones imitations in the POC series. ol' one eye is looking for them, as she thinks she should have been the tentacly girlfriend of captain jack (they couldn't even spell kevin's name right). she may use her dorsal spines, which she can eject at 5000fps. they can cut thru 2 ft. of chobham armour plate. they're made out of an unobtanium alloy (made from compressed higgs bosons and a dash of chanel no. 5).

ol' one eye finally let osma go, he's now employed by hillary clinton as her presidential campaign manager.
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Last edited by kronckew; 7th February 2014 at 06:26 PM.
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