Thread: Unknown keris
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Old 4th February 2014, 04:45 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by A. G. Maisey
I believe that what Klungkung would like to hear are opinions on where this keris might have originated. Maybe even a little touch of tangguh might make him happy.
You are most probably correct here Alan and i am aware that English is not Klungklung's first language. I believe he resides in the Netherlands if i am not mistaken. While Miriam-Webster does indeed give the first definition as "origin, source" collectors of most things are generally more concerned with the second definition, " the history of ownership of a valued object or work of art or literature" as it applies to antiquities. Obviously none of us have been privy to such history.
While i might hazard a guess at origin i believe this might be something of a mix-and-match ensemble. At least the Surakarta hilt seems out of place to me. As to tangguh, i personally would not have a go there and it seems you might be feeling hesitant yourself.
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