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Old 31st January 2014, 02:41 AM   #239
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Interesting recap on the Hasekura example Ibrahiim! and nice layout on the elements which need to be considered in analysis of this kastane held in the Sendai Museum in Tokyo. Actually I had not realized that this mission was in the Phllippines for two years before return to Japan in 1620 .

The nature of the blade profile does seem to have storta characteristics, at least in certain examples of those North Italian swords which of course had varying forms. Then there is the case of the creatures head on the peak of the blade at the back nearing the point, which resembles various 'oriental style mythical beasts.

The presence of that creature on the blade of course defines this blade as not North Italian made, yet as discussed there seems some semblance between the markings on the blade to markings actually used in Italy.
It seems they are made 'in the style of', which leads us back to, 'where was this blade made?.

As I was looking at the piha kaetta (#894) in Fernandos most interesting post in the illustration groupings, look at the channeled double fullers on the blade. For some reason there seems a similarity to those on the 'Hasekura' blade, at least it would seem so.

The suggestion by Ibrahiim that these markings were fashioned for alignment to Hasekura and the mission is interesting, and in looking at them the one which is a curious configuration of lines resembling an oriental ideograph in fashion, in one perspective (Rohrschach view) may be a ship of carrack form with a pennant atop ??

Both remain open to interpretation, but as I noted I have found nothing corresponding in European makers marks. The cross above on the N is of course well known in merchant marks, particularly the East India Company balemark , a quartered heart with cross atop. Many other marks used this cross above in similar manner of the familiar cross and orb.

The scope of this discussion is notably complex, particularly with the analysis of the notably well established identity of the zoomorphic pommel head on the true kasthane. It seems quite the bane of all analysis of mythical and heraldic beasts to properly identify exactly what they are, especially as many are artistic interpretations of myth, allegorical descriptions and often totemic symbolism.

It would seem that focus on what creature is represented on the true kasthane pommel is quite well established as the sinha or lionhead, and that corresponds to long venerated history of Sinhala and its people. It does seem possible however that some alteration of the dominant figure on some examples might be adjusted if in certain circumstances. These would be variants, and historically interesting as they may represent particular groups or regions.

These grotesgue creature heads seem to have been most appealing to Europeans artistically and a brass hilt hanger recalling kasthane design is seen described as English c1700 (A North, 1989, p.85) and "...the pommel is in the form of an exotic lion remarkably similar to the beast found on some carved wood and ivory Sinhalese hilts imported into Europe by the Dutch in the 1700s. There seem to have been a number of forms outside the kasthane configuration but still with mythical beasts carved in ivory by Sinhalese craftsmen for the VOC in the 1660s and earller .

There would appear to have been profound parallels between European heraldic beasts and East Indies mythological creatures, and sometimes it seems there have been disagreements even on the identity of the heads on pommels of European swords of 17th into 18th c and even later whether eagle or griffin head etc.

Although the identity issue on the pommel head creature on kasthane has certain interest and importance, so too remain the other questions:

What is the earliest corroborating evidence for the use of the zoomorphic heads and motif on the kasthane sword , and about what period would transition have occurred?

I know I have always been curious about the kasthanes which exist having VOC blades. Most I have seen seem to have large dates stamped from 1730s to 1760s. Would these have been used by Dutch forces using their hanger blades, or supplied blades to Sinhalese? Obviously colonial conflicts were in place, but would those allied to Dutch have used these?

When did the distinct multi quillon system arrive in Sinhala . It seems apparent on European swords from 16th century. Again, earliest use of these kinds on hilts.

All these questions and more, even extending to the piha kaetta and its development as well as any other Sri Lankan arms with specific questions toward their history of use there are open to discussion.
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