Thread: Persian sword?
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Old 30th January 2014, 04:11 PM   #15
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Originally Posted by RSWORD
In the last picture, if you look closely you can see that the blade is pattern welded and not wootz. And it seems to be a rather bold pattern weld. Would it be possible to get some good pictures of the pattern on the blade? From what I can see in that picture, the pattern weld is much more typical to India than the patterned blades you would expect from the Caucasus and not wootz as you would expect from a Persian trade blade.
Excellent and astute observation Rick! I had not noticed that, but you are of course correct and that does led more credence to Lofty's powerfully direct note. In my usual optimism I had been more drawn to the potential of this being one of those Persian trade blades or possibly as Ariel noted, a Caucasian copy.
I had also not noticed that the tip of the blade is quite more distorted in shape than these type of Persian trade blades and the brass cartouches and devices are not only far more excessive in grouping but not like the Persian examples.
With Artzi's much respected opinion and concisely well placed note, along with the others I must agree that this is far more likely to be a product of India from 20th century.
I did enjoy my wistful trip into the British Raj though with my ideas inspired by this attractive example, as well as the images of the Sinbad movies AJ!

Even if this is 20th century product, it still seems quite well made and of more vintage than the kind of things out of Rajasthan in more recent years.

All best regards,
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