Thread: Persian sword?
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Old 30th January 2014, 05:57 AM   #12
Jim McDougall
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Originally Posted by AJ1356
It is interesting but not Persian, at first look I thought Indian. As I kept looking more and more, and try to make sense of the rubishy inscription, I think it might have been built to try and trick someone into thinking this is a Persian blade by Assadullah. Since there are parts of the inscription that could be mistaken as that. Interesting non the less. Could it be an older movie prop? Just saying that since I was watching Sinbad the Sailor today and they had lots of decent looking prop shamshirs and what not.
Hi AJ,
It would appear we crossed posts as I had just made some notes on this sabre in the previous post .
I think it is important to note that these trade blades were actually well made blades, and not intended necessarily to fool anyone. The Persian blades of this general form were also produced in Chechnya in the Caucusus, and the cartouches and allusions to Assad Allah were more to signify imbued quality.
A great reference is "The Persian Shamshir and the Signature of Assad Allah by Oliver Pinchot, "Arms Collector", Vol 40, #1, Feb 2002.

I assure you this is not a movie prop from Sinbad movies!! LOL .
but those movies are indeed fun to watch. Gotta love those 'scimitars'!!!

Best regards,
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