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Old 30th January 2014, 05:21 AM   #236
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Vandoo, very interesting perspective as always, and thank you for adding these images which show some interesting variations of swords with somewhat similar theme to kastane. As Prasanna well notes, it is important to remember that these kinds of swords are quite apart from the kastane 'proper' which have the distinct elements in that particular classification.
Still, it is fascinating to see the cross diffusion of these swords which utilize the monster or 'grotesgue' (in European parlance) theme.

It seems well established that many sword and weapon forms were represented in Sri Lanka just as described by Deriniyagala, and suggested by Vandoo. As earlier mentioned, this extremely broad subject in most cases is of course speculated in considering the arms of other cultures and colonial and trade powers.
It would seem that in this quite international climate that there might be a degree of variation in the motif of the kastane in certain instances, but most references I have encountered have been described as sinha (lion) head and with makara heads on the quillons.
The instances where examples of traditionally configured kastane carry an unusual form in the creature on the pommel it is fascinating to consider that these may reflect origin in circumstances in region or ethnicity outside the typically seen sinha head examples.

Deraniyagala does note that the traditional form kasthane was a fighting sword, but the much more profusely embellished royal swords were of course outside such use , and Prasanna thank you for recalling those entries of yours where these battle related examples are described .

In threads which have reached this volume it is often the case that material presented some time ago is either not revisited, forgotten or simply out of reach as the discourse has developed for so long. It is much appreciated to bring some of these details back to the fore.

Best regards,
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