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Old 27th January 2014, 05:02 PM   #223
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Salaam Aleikum Ibrahiim,
I was sure you would take my lines with a rather open mind .
It is my pleasure that you made yourself a joke about me being a TV comedian; that pends to my favour in compensating my being rude in addressing you with previous my letter.
The gargoyle joke, you should have noticed, wasn't mine; i was just quoting it ... but i can't hide i found it funny, though .
What i had to be said about the Kastane is already said; i have nothing further to add.
And by the way, i am on the side of those who realize the pommel of the Kastane represents a lion but, i am absolutely ready to give it to you that it is a makara .
I don't think we need to exchange PMs as suggested; what i have said, well put or unfortunate, i consider it on topic, not off.
As also after having expressed my views on the eternization of the pommel thing, i have ran out of subjects.
I beg of you not to consider this as a personal matter, but more of an academical emphasis of a certain context, if i may arrogate myself such presumption; i don't have such familiarity with you to engage in personal reproaches.
A paz esteja contigo .

Present post prepared before Andrew's input; only later released .
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