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Old 27th January 2014, 05:01 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Ibrahiim al Balooshi
Salaams ArmsAndAntiques ~ You will be interested to learn that the first cartouche contains the makers name Amal... made by...etc. The Hijri date inscribed appears to be 1242 ..Now we are 1435. (Going by the date it is 188 year old sword...from 1826)
Ibrahiim al Balooshi.
Salaams Ibrahiim!

Regarding the first cartouche:

The first line:

عمل ...بن حسين أغا

Translation: "Made by ....son of Hussein Agha"

The second line:

صاحب و مالك حامد أغا

Translation: "The owner and master of Hamid Agha"

Sorry, but I couldn't read the full name in the first line.

Yes, 1242 AH corresponds to 1826 CE.

Ibrahiim, I salute you for your positivity in this forum. You deserve a lot of praise, buddy!

Best regards,
Ahmed Helal Hussein
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