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Old 25th January 2014, 08:07 PM   #7
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Nando, this is I agree a wonderful piece, and I would as always, agree with Jasper's assessment in period. The German and Italian arms producers, as well as Spain, were so closely connected in diffused styles and most factors in arms and armor it would be hard to say which provenance.
This seems to have been heavily cleaned and regrettably the makers poincon is badly indiscernible, especially with the flashback in photos.
Perhaps once in hand in varying lighting it might be more viewable.

Excellent question on the curious parallel ridges and bulge in the ring loop guard, and whether simply motif or associated with production is hard to say. They of course would probably not have any specific purpose, but the ring itself would be a guard to prevent a blade from sliding toward the hand.

All the best
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