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Old 17th January 2014, 09:19 PM   #202
Jim McDougall
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I think my last post was a bit too long, and it is difficult to wade through that much data.
Regarding the storta blade matter. This is based on the images posted by Gustav in post #187 from the article on the Hasekura blade c.1620.
This reveals that this particular example has a blade of storta form with peak near the tip much as also seen on other similar examples such as from China . We cannot conclude that the blade form became universal, but it does suggest contact with trade from either Venice or China in that blade.

The markings are from the same post, #187 and it is distinctly an 'N' and similar to such markings on some Italian blades . As DeSilva noted in 1998, Thom Richardson suggests this would have likely been an owners mark.

The Japanese writing probably does refer to the nature of these marks.

I agree that close up views of the Popham hilt in comparison to this hilt would be beneficial to the discussion.
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