Originally Posted by Ibrahiim al Balooshi
Salaams All ~ I have to say that Indian Armour is not my first subject but that I have thoroughly enjoyed the story so far and it is great to see our experts go for this one! It is a steep learning curve but I am really enjoying the input.
Bye the way Jim,... Dastana means in Hindi ...Mitten or Glove. ... or Gauntlet !
In Baluchi Dast means ... hand.
Ibrahiim al Balooshi. 
Ibrahimm, I am certainly no expert, as for the meaning of "dastana", you and Jim are correct in that some references refer to the hand cover alone as "dastana" but the term has somehow come to describe the entire Indian arm guard. Here is an example from page 112 of "A Description of Indian and Oriental Armour: Illustrated from the Collection Formerly in the India Office, Now Exhibited at South Kensington, and the Author's Private Collection : With a Map, Twenty-three Full-page Plates (two Coloured), and Numerous Woodcuts : With an Introductory Sketch of the Military History of India", Earl Wilbraham Egerton Egerton, W. H. Allen & Company, limited, 1896." which you can read for free as an ebook or download as a pdf.