Thread: Indian Armguard
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Old 13th January 2014, 07:14 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by Jim McDougall
thank you for the additional photos and page. Would it be possible to know what reference they are from?

Returning to the 'dastana' we are examining......
The 'piano hinge' form here seems of course to suggest this may be more modern, but the comment of the use of long hinge pins in Sind may still be in this kind of configuration as later development.
Jim, the images are from my pinterest which I posted a link to, they were gathered along with any accompanying info from various auctions, dealers and Museums etc.

Hinge pins were used in older Indian armors possibly as early as the 1500s but certainly from the 1600s from what I can tell, this Indian cuirass and others use them.

Indian (Deccani) European style cuirass, 17th Century, all steel construction with a separate front and back plate. The front plate has the original shoulder hinges, but is missing the lower rim. The back plate has a raised neck guard, with metalwork around the neckline. Two replacement shoulder straps, and a replacement side plate also. Both armours held together with long steel pins, in a piano hinge arrangement.
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