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Old 11th January 2014, 05:16 PM   #7
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There are two indigenous tribes in Panay: the Itas and Bukidnons. I've never heard or seen Panay Itas with Spears (although their Luzon cousins do carry bow and arrows), we can safely surmise that this piece could be that of a Bukidnon (or Mondo). Bukidnons live in the Highlands of Panay. When I was there, I went to Museo Iloilo. They have a few Spears on display. Type in "Mondo" in the search space and you will see photos I posted for comparison. Btw, the colloquial term is "bangkaw" pronounced bang-cow). Wish I could hear the interview. Been awhile since I've heard my dialect (assuming it's in hiligaynon)...
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