Thread: Indian Armguard
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Old 10th January 2014, 09:22 AM   #7
Jim McDougall
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Originally Posted by estcrh
Jim what I meant was that this detailed request may be beyond the information that was already posted by you. I am not sure that there is really much more easily found information on the subject but if there is such a source I would also like to discover it.
Thanks, I misunderstood. Actually what I detailed with the data I listed was to itemize what material which was pertinent to Sind in most of the standard references. What I wanted to show was basically that references on Indian arms and armour or which include them in their scope, do not necessarily classify categorically to specific regions in most cases.

I believe in some of the more obscure texts like Watt, Hendley and some of the others who wrote specifically on Indian metalwork there may be some useful references. However these are difficult to access usually. Also the question pertaining to material culture of the region is rather broad and would involve quite lengthy study in Indian art to describe, especially without a specific interest or goal.

Thank you for your link.

Ibrahiim, thank you for the superb images as well!!!
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