Thread: Indian Armguard
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Old 10th January 2014, 04:33 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by Paroosevelt
I have what i believe to be a dastana from Sind. I'm looking to find out everything I can about it from the technology of manufacture to the material culture of the area and period. From what i've found the armour from sind is quite distinct from elsewhere in India and I was wondering if there was anything to be found on the emergence of particular styles in different areas.
There is a good chance that the specific information you are looking for is just not available in a book but there are some forum members with a lot of knowledge on Indian armor.

You can look online for similar looking dastana to see if any have the same characteristics as yours. I think the two large holes in the front and back may not be original....possibly made to hang it on a wall etc for display. Here is a link were you can find some other dastana to compare.
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