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Old 9th January 2014, 07:29 PM   #1
Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 24
Default keris handle PANJANG

Hello to e'body,

I have just purchased this Sumatran handle addressed to a Panjang keris. Still puzzled about the material, either bone or ivory. This type is quite rare and haven't come across many others.
Apart from my piece a very dark piece is attached with heavy wear and tear which is made of ivory for sure.
Lastly a printscreen attached from the Disk.

According Jensen ( information retrieved from his Disk) the provenance is the Karimunjawa islands but this information is not correct according others and more likely from the Karimun islands ( Riau islands).
The link to Durga is questionable too and maybe linked to a Raja? because of the crownlike topping. However the more common Tapah kuda shows a similar apex.

Any comment and / or start of sharing other Panjang handles welcome.
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