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Old 9th January 2014, 06:30 PM   #18
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After years I think it's good to dig up this thread about Aceh shields again.

This week I found an interesting (Aceh?) shield. It's somewhat different as the Aceh shields we know of, but it has great old patina.
For instance it misses the "knob" in the middle.
Also is the edge a bit more curving upwards as seen on the usual Aceh shields.
The patina is different as the patina we see normaly on the brass shields. It has the same old patina as we also see on the old (not fake) lantaka's, and I never have found that on other brass Aceh shields, not in private collections and nor in museum collections.
When putting this shield next to the regular ones, it does look more old as the others, maybe because of the heavy patina which is on it.

The handle is made of a piece of braided ratan.
Any more input is welcome, just as other suggestions...

Thanks, Maurice
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Last edited by Maurice; 9th January 2014 at 06:56 PM.
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