Thanks a lot, Norman for the "1803" key, without which my previous browsings gave no result. And thanks again for the recent post with the images.
I know, i might be the stubborn character but, i didn't see in the flankers sword version an implicit connection with the blade curvature; pretending that (quoting you) vagaries of fashion would basicaly apply to period context ... flankers or not. Actually when considering flanking action by footmen, extreme curvature of sabres would have an even more clumsy efect, as you so well approach. I also had the impression in my browsing that, most articles dedicated to (1803) flanker swords, are more foccused in the hilt (lion and all) and only eventualy in 'overcurved' blades.
In other words, i didn't yet see evidence or a clear expression in that one thing belongs to the other

... or i am missing something ... which wouldn't surprise me

... i am playing by ear
