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Old 6th November 2005, 12:11 PM   #22
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Dear all,

In my opinion that is surely a Moro Kris. Made in abundance since early 1900's up to today. Moro kris usually has a low quality metal and the blade simply by hammering any steel into a blade. Perhaps their pande lacks the skill to make a real keris. Some however have fancy dresses to make it look valuable. To me, a real keris must incorporate real skill to make it valuable not just from a piece of hammered scrap metal. Unfortunately western collectors had some obsession on this type of kris made popular among themselves to help the poor pandes of the Philiphines. Perhaps it’s their desperation for a living drives them to do such things.
would love to know your source on this...


Some people call this type of keris a Sundang. It is the same thing, just a difference in terms of language. You can study other languages in the keris nations to have a better understanding. Sometimes having too little knowledge and so much to talk about can be a dangerous thing.
ouch! easy there, big boy, lol. me think you should get to know the person first before making statements like that...
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