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Old 3rd January 2014, 12:28 AM   #10
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Originally Posted by Norman McCormick
Hi Jim,
First of all let me wish you a Happy and Prosperous New Year and I hope that a few drams of your favourite whisky, Drambuie if my memory serves, eased the transition from 2013 to 2014. With regards to your last post the term you were looking for is Not Proven rather than Unproven. It is a peculiarity of Scots Law that we have three verdicts in criminal cases rather than the normal two, although other countries do have more than two verdicts possible Italy being one. The verdict Not Proven means 'we think you did it but cannot prove it' so in cases of historical suppositions it may be particularly apt. The sword in question is a nice example and would look extremely good above my mantlepiece.
My Regards,
Aye Norman!!! and to you and the family, a most happy and wonderful new year.....your memory serves is Drambuie indeed!
Thank you so much for that correction on that term which I was using in analogous context, and had recalled incorrectly. I am always grateful for these kinds of details, and even better from a true kinsman.

I agree, this is truly a beautiful example of these magnificent swords, and it is always wonderful to see these great threads come back.

All the best,
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