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Old 30th December 2013, 04:59 AM   #14
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

I very much appreciate the thought and the effort that has gone into the opinions given above.

I do not intend to give any opinion for the moment, because I asked the question, and as I have said:- I'm interested in how others may think.

"how others may think", and it seems fairly clear that there are various shades of meaning for various people.

But Rasdan's opinion has raised another question. He has focused much of his attention on the "pusaka" character that can be attached to the keris, so Rasdan, could you please clarify for us exactly what you mean by "pusaka" and under what circumstances a might a keris become "pusaka". How could we recognise a "pusaka keris" if we were not aware that it was one?
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