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Old 23rd December 2013, 02:54 PM   #3
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The seller's description seems fairly accurate, though this dress is probably more likely to have been made closer to the end of the 20th century than the middle. This type of work is clearly still be done to this day.
We have had a bit of discussion in the past about the profusion in the of toli-toli appearing on this form of dress of late so i am not really certain we can consider it "rare" anymore. When i see toli-toli these days my first thought is always to question whether the blade was originally owned by someone of high status or if it has just been dressed up for the marketplace. This dress is nicely made and sports rubies, emeralds, gold and silver, so regardless of the originally status of the owner it seems to imply high status now. And the blade is a nice one with a complex combination of pamor that also seems to support such fine dress.
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