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Old 14th December 2013, 01:46 PM   #8
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Now that is definitely an enticing anomaly Nando!!! There is a certain business like attraction in these simple cavalry hilts of 1796, and that coupled with this almost mysteriously and radically curved blade makes it a compelling sabre indeed . It is great to revisit this intriguing topic on these dramatically curved sabres and I hope we can develop some discussion looking further into examples.
As I mentioned in that earlier thread (2008) there were cavalry sabres produced by the Virginia Manufactory here in the U.S. around 1808 which had incredibly long and dramatically curved blades. It seems many of these were still around during the Civil War and the Confederate officers had the blades 'shortened' to around 36 inches!
It would certainly be interesting to discover where the idea of these incredibly long curved blades must have come from.
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