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Old 14th December 2013, 12:47 PM   #7
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شكرا جزيلا ... Ibrahiim,
I have spotted that thread on my search exercize but, when i saw all those photobucket blanks i gave up the page, not scrolling down enough to visualize de real thing.
Now, this is a hell of an abnormal beast .
The thing is, i am courting one of two sabres some local collector (?) has in his house and decided to compare their blade with the one in this Russian piece.
Definitely the ones i am flirting are not so implausible, notwithstanding my desire to have one.
I consur with Jim in what touches the exagerated blades some officers commissioned for their swords, in order to shadow those of their counterparts.
In AS ARMAS e OS BARÕES by Eduardo Nobre, he cites the blades of some local cavalry sabres of the (XIX century) period in which, when the horseman pulled it back for a stroke, the blade point touched the opposite shoulder ... if you know what i mean.
Here attached a 1796 light cavalry example with a blade recurved by its period owner, somewhere in the country's someone collection.
The ones i am chasing appear to be more recurved, and certainly have a more centered parabola. Pity i didn't take pictures.

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Last edited by fernando; 14th December 2013 at 05:12 PM. Reason: font size
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