Originally Posted by DaveS
Jose: I have used a high magnification lens and examined the valleys made
by the etch. I see no evidence of nickel pamor at the bottom of these
At this point i think i need a bladesmith with experience in making
damascus to maybe explain this.........Dave.
I will give it another try and be more explicite, as I see, this question really bothers you.
There are very rare twistcore krisses, where the pattern and welding are so perfectly done you can't tell difference between a pattern created by simple etching or a real pamor at first glance. I very much like your kris, Dave, yet it doesn't belong to this category.
Please take a look to the picture below: the marked area on the left side clearly shows the twisted bar leaving the topographically etched middle fuller. Actually the Pamor here is very clear, despite the polished surface.
The marked area on the right side shows a forging flaw, which is where the twisted bar meets the core. The welding failed here.
I don't understand very well, what do you mean by the sentence:
"I have used a high magnification lens and examined the valleys made
by the etch. I see no evidence of nickel pamor at the bottom of these
I understand it like the bottom here is without any pamor activity. I don't recognise these places to a sufficient extent on the pictures, yet these most probably would be the places where the twisted bar has been forged or chiseled or etched through and the core has been exposed.
Actually for this information you don't need a blacksmith, becouse this is ABC if you really are interested in pamor techniques. By chance I have had conversations on the matter of pattern welding with a smith, who is quite well versed in twistcore techniques.
To recapitulate the forging&topographical etching matter: the sentences regarding topographical etching from the book of Newbold are handling exactly this subject. The pattern welding technique with subsequent topographical etching (including wax reserve) absolutely isn't something unusual and rare, not only in Philippines and not only in SEAsia.