the Pamor material used is absolutely the same: two bars on each side of a core, consisting of alternate layers of two different kind of iron. On your other kris (
http://www.vikingsword.com/vb/showthread.php?t=17861) the torsion of these bars has a big frequency, there are not many twists & the layers are laying comparatively wide apart, so the Pamor actually looks like a kind of horizontal Pamor after the forging. Deep etch of such kind of Pamor wouldn't make much sense esthetically. On this older example of yours the frequency of torsion is quite small, so the different layers are pressed close together.
I thought this kris looks familiar and found it with the same kind of discussion:
The Pamor on this blade is a real Pamor with a deep etch and not a Pamor faked via etching.