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Old 3rd November 2005, 01:48 AM   #10
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Location: zamboanga city, philippines
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Originally Posted by Rick
I doubt the blade is that old ; post 30's or much later .
The details at the base of the blade are kris-like but basically look like hacksaw cuts .
I've never seen a Moro blade that has detailing like this .
Possibly this blade is made after the Moro style .

Now a Moro tourist blade has some slight resemblance .
Still it looks like a Moro blade .

The first picture is a classic tourist item. Made out of galvanized iron (G.I.) pipe split open using acetylene torch. Why G.I. pipe? it's cheap and easier to etch those lines on. A finished piece like this is sold at the local (Zamboanga) market for about $20-40.
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