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Old 4th December 2013, 04:37 AM   #4
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ok, a little update:

in a recent conversation i have with Amai Mingka's (Datu Piang) granddaughter, i mentioned this kris. according to the story that was passed on to her by her grandma, Datu Piang has a personal panday in Dulawan (incidentally, that town is now known as Datu Piang). whenever he has a particular weapon made, whether it be kris, spears, etc., he would commission this panday to make multiple copies, and he would give these pieces to foreign dignitaries who visited him and had given him gifts. now, this would make sense why this piece and the one on the historical picture is so similar...
in a way, this change the common perception in which each individual kris was made to one specific person.
sooo, there's a strong possibility that your piece might be "as is", batara. a similar handle was made, an extra blade lying around, personal panday of Datu Piang put it together, then BAM! instant replica of his favorite sword...
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