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Old 1st November 2005, 04:56 PM   #5
Jens Nordlunde
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Hi Ann,

Thank you for your answer, which I find very interesting as I for one, never thought that the ingots offered for sale were mill balls. My knowledge of ingots is not very big, so I am glad you told this, as others also can benefit from this information too.

The interests between collectors and scientists can/does differ sometimes, and that can be a problem not easily solved, but the fact that dealers sell these mill balls as wootz ingots is appalling, as there are enough fakes on the market as it is.

You write that the mill balls were used in the 18th century, what did they use before that time?

I would also like to know something more about the ore. When they found an ore, did they cut it out in blocks or in smaller pieces?

I guess that they also sometimes found earth with enough iron to make a production, how did they part the iron ore from the earth?

I know that some ores were inferior and others not. Did they make test melting’s? In some books it is hinted that they did start a production for export at once – but did they?
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