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Old 24th November 2013, 10:07 AM   #33
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

TA, when I state an opinion, it is usually an opinion that has been formed by what I have been taught.

One of the things I have been taught about the keris is that we often do not have the luxury of a personal opinion if we wish to observe the traditions of respect that are attached to the keris.

Because of my training and my background I often feel that I am obliged to act in a particular way, and in fact my principal teacher drummed this obligation into me time and time again. Essentially my obligation is this:- I have the obligation to return to as good condition as possible any keris that comes into my hands.

No keris is in as good condition as possible if it is allowed to remain rusted.

However, what I have just recounted is only my position. I have this obligation, but many other people do not, so if you, or anybody else feels that a keris is happier being rusted and dirty, that is of course your prerogative.

I'm sorry TA, but your reference to Grinling Gibbons escapes me. I thought he was a wood carver? Did he work in ferric material as well?
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