...Great to see all the comments guys! I am learning more and more all the time...so much to learn!
Jean, as far as I can see the horn hilted keris has no pamor at all...seems to be mono steel (or skin over a core)...very uniform all the way around. The black/stable-now rust really bothers me on this piece but I want to take the less evasive route possible as I have not done this before (and I am guessing this blade is at least 19th century). I have others in my collection that you can tell were stained at one time...this one doesn't ever appear to have been stained...I could very well be wrong. BTW Jean, beautiful keris!
I have one pictured in the other post with a monkey hilt...that piece has a beautiful pamor...I can see the reason for staining that one and others like it.
I guess to me the most important thing is to make sure the blade is stable, wood has the proper moisture and they are cared for as I can tell they hadn't been cared for in a while...they sure get attention now!

I am sue I, like most everyone else on the forums main objective is preserving the pieces for future appreciation...as a retired military guy I see these as weapons that defended person, family and country. They had/have an important part of their history, religion and culture...I just love them!
Again, thank you guys...keep it up...I love it...more keris to come! Have a great and safe weekend all!