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Old 20th November 2013, 12:02 PM   #13
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

Not as used in Jawa Jean, but rather as we distinguish between the two..

In Jawa they will refer to both as "sepuhan", either would be "sepuh mas". However for us, ie, we bules, we distinguish between something that has been plated with electricity, either heavy technologically superior plating, or market place plating done in little troughs with a car battery, and the various types of true gilding. But then in English we use the same word, "gilt", or "gild" for applying a thin coat or covering of gold to either wood or metal. We have fire gilding, where the gold is dissolved in mercury and the mercury burnt off --- you can still get this done in Solo ---then we have the type of gilding where thin gold leaf is glued to wood, in Jawa this is called "prada" (pron. "prodo").

In the case of this pendok, I raised the question because if it had been gilded rather than plated it would look a lot duller than it does, and very probably metal would have been showing through the gold. This is not the case with this pendok, so I'm almost certain it has plated rather than gilded.
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