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Old 7th November 2013, 05:59 PM   #16
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Wink The family or ... tradutore traditori

The first one in giving fame to the family was Angelo Lazarino, who was signing himself “Lazari Cominaz“ whom was active between the last years of the 16th. century and the first decades of the 1600's. His son Lazaro, who signed himself “Lazarino Cominazo“, but also “Lazaro Lazarino Cominazo”, is the author of the barrels of the beautiful couple of pistols here uploaded. Up to 1700 the Cominazzo built almost exclusively barrels, renowned in the whole world for their resistance. Still the couple of 'terzette' here uploaded, considering its top quality and of the lack of other signatures, makes us think that the work of Lazaro Lazarino should not have been circumscribed to the wonderful barrels alone. The common identification of their products was “Canes Lazzarine” (Lazarine barrels), after the ancestor’s the name.
Some members of the family moved elsewhere and the last ones were still working, although without most of the ancient fame and ability, at the end of the 1800's. The fame of the "lazzarine" barrels was such, especially abroad, that they were counterfeited by smiths from all parts of Europe and marked with inscriptions very close to the original, sometimes absolutely equal. Considering all counterfeits and the several signatures of the components of the family, is not always easy to distinguish the authentic barrels. Still those considered authentic are the ones with a fileted top or those with more elements. Another characteristic that makes us incline to the authenticity is the presence, at the beginning and in the end the signature, of a kind of three lobed asterisk.

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