Originally Posted by fernando
I only see a link to a commercial shop & auction site, Ibrahiim; no article on Cominazzo
... Wrong link ? 
Salaams fernando~ It seems there was some commercial side to that site I mentioned but as you see on opening the page there is but one focus...that of the famous collector and one reference only to the master I was searching for; Lazario Kominazzo with a
I searched a good deal of the entire web for this reference and as it was the only one ..I went with that . It led me to several interesting pieces of information not least that his weapons appear to have not been necessarily complete as his speciality seems to have been in barrels so it is not surprising to find superb barrels mounted with all kinds of lesser quality parts.
I am, perhaps, not so convinced that there was such an artisan since it was common for signatures to be put on by other craftsmen and they often deliberately, it seems, made a misspelling. I therefor tend toward the Cominazzo family of gun makers unless anyone can show that there really was a different master?
An interesting thread all the same... and I much enjoyed adding my two baizas worth.
Ibrahiim al Balooshi.