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Old 4th November 2013, 04:19 AM   #36
EAAF Staff
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Welcome back Moose.

Your piece on the right maybe a little different - it seems to me more in line with earlier forms, not so much this type on discussion. However it would help to see the rest of the blade as well.

Just for clarification: yes I agree that the general form is not unknown. However what I have not seen before and what I am catagorizing as new is the version that is in Datu Piang's hand and the nearly identical version now in my possession.

That being said, I am glad Cual that you brought up the picture of the ivory one that seems to be in the same family - I forgot where it was.

All of these 3-4 examples of this type of pommel style show us that there is more that Cato did not mention in his book, although his is a beginning grammer, so to speak.

And Moose, if you want to pick my brain (and not my nose) you can message me here or at
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